Thursday, June 20, 2013

June 12, 2013 Headed West to British Columbia and the Alaskan Highway!!



 We arrived at Dawson Creek, BC, the famous Mile Marker 0 of the Alaskan Highway.   The freewill donation museum about the building of the highway showed what an amazing feat these Army civil engineers accomplished!!  I don’t know that I’ve ever thought about Alaska when studying WWII history, but the building of the ALCAN was very important to the war effort.

We did a lot of driving today, and were very focused on the highway.  We made a special effort to take a little side trip to the only remaining wooden bridge built back in 1942.  They, of course, have added guard rails but just take a look at how it has held up!!!  Our motorhome weight exceeded the bridge GVW, but we unhitched the car to be able to drive across. 





Think may be this was more like it back then.





Then when we got back on the main road, we thought the wooden bridge looked better than the concrete one they were repairing!!  We went down both 6% and 8% grades in this stretch of the road.   In a car, you really don’t think about it.  In a motorhome, pulling a car, it becomes a whole different ride!!



 We were glad we’d made reservations earlier in the day for the campground in Ft. Nelson.  The gal told us they expected 100 units tonight and had 107 last night!!!! 



 Think Scott's shop looks a lot more efficient that this one!!  Joy & I were glad we only found 1 thing in the museum either of us had!! 



As an aside, this is how light it is at about 10:00 p.m. when Don & Joy were headed back to their motorhome after dinner.   So far, really hasn’t bothered us to sleep.  We’ll see as we get farther north.

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