Sunday, June 23, 2013

6-22-2013 A BIG SURPRISE!!!

June 22, 2013    

This is the same day as all our great sightseeing just posted.  But most of the day, we hadn’t had any cell service.  For those of you who don’t realize it, not everywhere is like Dallas or any other big city that if you don’t have a signal for your cellphone, you just think you’re going to die!!  On this trip, we have had DAYS that we have not had a signal.  The phone says NO SERVICE.  Not just a “one bar” signal.    So we’ve just turned the phones off.

But, we sure were glad we turned them on late in the afternoon and actually had a signal!!!  They just started dinging away with new emails and text messages.
Check out these pictures that came!!!!


YES!!!!  Scott and Amber just found out they are going to have a baby girl!!  She’ll be coming around Thanksgiving time and we couldn’t be more thrilled!!


 We are soooooo excited for them!!!!


It’s a wonder feeling to see our family grow. We have heard it said that the reward for not killing your children is grand children.  Ah, the circle of life. What goes around comes around.  It will be fun to watch our grandchildren grow up and our children begin to solve the mysteries of parenthood!!!!




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