Thursday, June 20, 2013

6-13-2013 Today's a nature day!!!

Today was a nature day!!  We were putting in another day of driving, but Oh the beauty!!  We drove from Ft. Nelson to Muncho Lake and on to Liard Springs. 

 Muncho Lake is beautiful!!  Our book says muncho means “big, ” in Texas we would say mucho maybe, not muncho.  The oxide in the soil makes this so spectacular.

We also saw quite a few animals today

 Stone sheep, and when they were eating both at the side and one the road, they were actually eating rocks!!!  And asphalt!!!!


 Liard Springs is a wonderful natural hot springs pool.  We stayed at the provincial park right there and could walk out a 700 m. boardwalk to the pool.  The water is around a 100 degrees, but depending on whether you were close by the inlet, where it was hotter, to down below the small falls, it was cooler.  They suggest you only stay in 15 to 20 minutes, but it felt so good we stayed in a lot longer moving up and down the pool.

Because of the springs there is a lot of vegetation that otherwise doesn’t grow in this part of the country.

Walking back from the springs, we had company on the boardwalk – a moose!!  And then when we were in bed, heard something crunching around and looked out to see a bison in our campsite!

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