Monday, June 10, 2013

6-8-13 In and Around Jasper, Alberta

June 8, 2013
As we continue to find out, there are sooooo many beautiful falls to see!!! Today we drove up the Maligne Valley to the lake.  Another hike to Moose Lake, but it wasn’t one of the spectacular lakes.   At the Maligne Canyon, we found another great fall.

We headed to the Marmot Basin but it was closed as was the road to Mount Edith Cavell.  We were getting a little discouraged, but then we went to Athabasca Falls (remember that name from the glacier??) on the Athabasca River and oh my, another wonderful falls area dropping so loudly down through the very hard, quartz-like rocks!  There were bridges at several vantage points along the falls.  Everywhere we turn; there is more of God’s wonder to drink in!!


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