Tuesday, June 11, 2013

6-10-13 Last day to catch up on business

June 10, 2013

Today is a catch up day. there is some general up keep on the motorhome. I spend 5 hours chasing a part to fix the windshield wiper on the driver side. I don't know if the repair will work. We'll see when we hit the road tomorrow. I'm sure that we have some more rain to test my patience. I have a few options if the repair doesn't work.
 1. Take the windshield wiper arm off and let Sharon tell me where to go (which is my first option) that way we won't get lost.
2   Take her wiper and put it on my side (that way I'm in charge). either way we will continue on.

 Folks, it's not the big things that stop you in your tracks, it's those little things that you think you have covered before you leave. The motor home has performed well. We are getting average of 6.5 miles per gal (if you want litres per kilometer you do the math). I had one little mechanical problem with the air suspension system I installed. One of the airlines got too close to the exhaust and blistered the hose. I was able to make the repair and reroute the airline. I haven't determined if we have a very slight leak in the heater core yet. There is a distinct odor inside the motorhome if you turn the engine off with the heater running. I've picked up some stop leak if the problem persists.

I'm not sure I realized the magnitude of the trip before we started this adventure. Maybe like the early pioneers that headed west to discover the new frontier. It's 4900 miles to Fairbanks. We will be there June 23rd. We are 2 weeks into the trip. We are just over halfway there. You pound out the miles, get a place to park, make dinner have a few toddies ,go to bed with the sun still up (I do not think it ever gets dark up here),get up the next day, do your sight seeing and head out the following day. In some ways it's a grind but well worth it. As Sharon has mentioned in the previous blogs there are so many beautiful sights there aren't enough word to describe them.

This 2-day stop over in Grande Prairie, Alberta, has been renewing. Knowing that you are not leaving in the morning is a fine thought. Wednesday we continue heading north to Ft. Nelson. We will stop in Dawson Creek for a short time to do the touristy thing. Taking pictures by the 0 mile marker. This is where the Alaskan Highway starts. Watch for the photo. It's a total of 360 miles from here to Ft. Nelson. That doesn't sound like to many miles, but when the roads are narrow (add a little rain, tourists making sudden stops to see an animal or wonderful sight and some logging trucks) it makes for a guaranteed adventure. The nice thing is that if we get tired we'll just find a flat spot off the side of the road and call it a day.

The folks up here are very friendly and helpful.  When they find out that you are from Texas and on your way to Alaska they really perk up (not sure if they are excited about your trip or just wondering why?) We as a world have become so attached to the iphone and internet that when you are not in contact with them you feel abandoned  (Hello is there anyone out there?). We have had good internet access here in Grande Prairie and satellite access. Not sure how long we will be in touch with FOX news and the outside world. The satellites are getting very close to the horizon. Quite frankly, Gladys, who gives a darn?  Life goes on better when you are not filled with all of the static you are bombarded with every day. Its quite peaceful really. We did get to watch a few Ranger games, that was fun. Well, I've rambled on enough and it time to get cleaned up for the day (long Day that is). We've added a few pictures of things we have seen along the way. Enjoy!!! When you have an opportunity to stop and ponder the beauty that God has created its very overwhelming and spiritually cleaning. Life is short in the scheme of things.  We realize our existence is merely a speck of dust. Make it count.

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