Wednesday, June 26, 2013

6-26-2013 There really is a Santa Claus!!

6-26-2013, Morning

We started our day slowly yesterday. With a good night’s sleep behind us, we didn’t get a full head of steam until about 12:30.  We headed down to the Elf’s Den for lunch (another DDD location) and then we went to the Christmas Store at the North Pole, and there he was-- Santa Claus. I was so excited!   I could hardly wait for my chance to talk to him.  Since I was the oldest kid in the line, I used my age to push ahead of the others.   I told the kids that since I was the oldest, I needed to show them how it was done. Now Santa was a bit surprised when I jumped right up his lap and begin to tell him all the things I wanted to have. The list went on and on. After rambling for awhile he finally stopped and looked at me rather strangely.  He said “Sonny, most of the things you are asking for are awful girlish for a big boy your size”.  I began to laugh hysterically and said “They’re not for me Santa; they’re for our new grandbabies that will be sharing their Christmas with us.”  I could feel a great relief come over Santa.  So here it is the end of June and I have got my Christmas list already done.  How about you? It’s never too early to start.  For those of you that don’t believe in Santa Clause here is the proof!  I told Santa I was going to play golf that afternoon and mentioned that a hole in one would be nice. He said that I would have to go to a higher authority than he for that to happen. So I started Praying.

Well, I didn’t get a hole in one but had a super time playing golf.  The course was like playing in the desert.  If it wasn’t fairway, it was rougher everywhere else. We did see one sand crane on the course.  Couldn’t get a picture it was headed into the driving range. It did not have to worry because nobody could hit a sand crane at 250 yards with a golf ball.

Bob's 4some.


Well, they are predicting the temperature to be 91 today. That’s warm for these folks.  They say that this is very unusual for up here. There are several forest fires that have started.  If they do not receive some rain it’s gonna be a long fire season up here.  It could be very devastating.  We did hear that one of the volcanoes in the southern part of the state erupted yesterday. I hope that it doesn’t block our departure south bound. Oh well, that’s not for another light year before we head back.

All of the camera are fully charges up and ready to go.  We are off to Barrow today. For those of you that are unfamiliar where Barrow is located, it is one of the farthest cities in the far north of Alaska. The most northern zip code (according to friend Connie).  The pen point shows where Barrow is located. Needless to say we are excited.  We will spend the night up there and return in the morning.  There is most likely not a lot to see there, but we will try to see it all.  We’ll send pictures.  The high temperature is predicted to be 46 in the day and 34 in the morning. Ah, some cool weather.
Cool enough that we are packing our long johns and sleeping caps. When you get old you wear those caps to keep the rest of your hair from falling out, and if it does fall out you can find it and stick it back on. MAKE EVERY DAY COUNT!

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