Monday, June 10, 2013

6-7-13 Lake Louise to Jasper, Alberta, through the National Parks

June 7, 2013

As we left Lake Louise campground and headed for Jasper, we saw more beautiful scenery.  I need my writing friend, Kaye, to give me more superlatives!!  We stopped at Bow Summit, which wasn’t really opened yet, but oh! How gorgeous! The water was clear blue water! 

Had to do a little hiking through the snow, but it was definitely worth it.

It was cold, and our picnic lunch today was soup and grilled cheese sandwiches made on raisin bread.  Really a treat!!

We went out on Athabasca Glacier in specialty vehicles we thought were Oshkosh chassis!!  They were Foremost out of Canada, but it was really something to be out on glacier ice that was a thick as the Eiffel Tower is tall! 


We had the best explorer to go out – only about a third full and the only vehicle on the ice at the time!!  By the time we left, there were 3 vehicles on the glacier and lines waiting to go up.  What great timing!  

We were so glad we got to be there when it was a little more quiet to take in the majesty of the glacier.  There were actually 3 glaciers around us as well, and oh how we could see the advancing and recessing of the Columbia Icefield.

We camped in Whistlers campground just south of Jasper.  We ate spaghetti inside for supper and started trying to catch up on our blog.   But it got a little exciting! 
We had bison to meet us at Yellowstone, but we had elk to meet us at Jasper!!!  And they really liked Bob!!!  I can't get the video to download but maybe another time~~

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