Monday, June 24, 2013

6-24-2013 Baked Alaska?

Baked Alaska?

In the short time we’ve been in Alaska, we now know why they call it Baked Alaska! The Sun never goes away.   It rises about 2:59 am and goes down about 12:47 am!  That’s only 2 ½ hours of dusk!!!  And, it was 84 F when we arrived!!!   Been up since 4:30 so decided to write this morning instead of this evening!!!
            this was taken about 12:30


We arrived in Fairbanks on the 23rd and the last segment of our trip was pretty much uneventful except we actually completed the Alaskan Highway!  It’s been a lot of miles.  We all agree up to this point Canada’s beauty far outweighs what we have seen since entering Alaska.  The most spectacular, which we have seen off in the distance, is the Alaskan mountain range. The land is mostly flat with lots of trees. The rivers are wide and muddy.  We know that the sights will get better especially when we get to Denali.!!

Check out the sod on the roof.  They grow
vegetables up there too!

This was the moose we missed!


and the Skeeters are big!!!

Today we will be going to the University of Fairbanks to visit the museum. We’ve heard that’s it one of the best representations of the area. We are here for 7 days and there are lots of places to see.

You can tell we're back "on the grid" there are electric lines in the mountain pictures!!

On Wednesday we head off to Barrows by plane. We will be there for a day and back on Thursday.  I’m sure that you will know as much about Barrows as we do after we finish writing the blog. It will be fun to stick our toes in the Arctic Ocean. Not everyone can say that they did that. Most intelligent people would not take off their warm shoes and socks and stick their cozy warm feet into freezing water, But then again they’re not the Relyeas.


This is the apogee of our journey for the motorhome.  So far she has made the trip with minimal concerns. A few little challenges along the way but all in all it’s done well. I do have some parts being UPS’d in to Fairbanks to repair the left side air bag that blew off.  Before we parked it at the RV site I took her over and gave her a bath (no not Sharon, the motorhome).  This is a nice RV park with all the amenities of home, water, electric and sewer.

For those of you that have not traveled by motorhome and have only stayed at the 5 star hotels where they have quiet flushing toilets and fluffy towels, in a motorhome you collect your sewer in a holding tank and connect a hose and drop it into this hole in the ground.  You do not have a sewer man or attendant to do that for you, you have to do that yourself.  Or you call Captain Bob.  Can you image all the boys hanging out at the sewer drop just shooting the shit!  Literally, Hey Bill what ya doin’?  Everything come out all right? Boy, ain’t that a beaut’. This is what sleep deprivation does for you.  It has its moments, but for us, we really enjoy having our toothbrushes is the same spot everyday and not having to pack and unpack every night.  So what if you paid a $100,000 for a RV and get about 6.5 miles to the gallon, haul your own water, generate your power, make your own ice and cook your own meals?  This is living man.  You ought to try it.

Today starts our 5th week on the road. In some ways it has gone somewhat slowly, but then it’s already 5 weeks. We have seen many unbelievable sights. Hopefully we can get some videos uploaded for you to see. We have tried but after 45 minutes waiting we finally gave up. We miss all of you and look forward to sharing our experiences with you when we get back home sometime in September. Until then, keep the faith. What we have experienced so far could not have just happened on its own. This is the work of God.  He is the only one that could have mixed all of this together and crafted all this beauty. We look forward to sharing more of our experiences with you.  HAVE a GREAT day! We sure will.





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