Thursday, June 20, 2013

6-14-2013 Relaxing at Liard Springs!!

Today was a relaxing day for some of the party.  The girls spent most of the day at the springs.  (Sharon realized the next day; she’d actually gotten sunburned!!  Wasn’t thinking about that possibility!!)

Bob went on an expedition to fine some parts to repair the motorhome.  When I leveled the motorhome, it lifted the front wheels off the ground as normal.  After a few minutes we heard this loud noise and discovered that the airbag on the left front of the motorhome had blown off the mounting bracket.  Nothing was broken, it just came off the bracket from the weight of the axle (this was an aftermarket product Bob installed to soften the ride).  I determined that a couple of large hose clamps would remedy the situation.  In the middle of nowhere hose clamps are a mirage.  Just across the road from the provincial park was a little RV park and restaurant.  I took a stroll over there and struck a conversation with the guy that pumped gas and asked if he knew where a fellow like me could fine a couple of hose clamps?  He said  “follow me.”  We went into his storage building and low and behold he had just what I needed. What a blessing!  So having the parts I needed, I went to work and made the repair.  So far the fix is holding. 

If you were wondering how the windshield wiper situation worked out it working fine. After a few trial and errors (on my part) I finally figured out how to make it work. I had a lot of road time to come up with the right combination to fix it.  So, for the time being, we are fully operational.  That’s not to say we’ll stay that way.  

After the ladies got back that afternoon, we cooked steaks out on the grill and enjoyed a beautiful evening by the fire.  

Oh by the way, we took one more quick trip to the springs.  On the way back from the springs we came across a mother goose with 4 little babies.  She threw a fit when I approached her.  You know how mothers are very protective of their young.

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