Wednesday, June 12, 2013

6-12-13 Undocking from Grande Prairie

6-12-13 Good Morning America!!!!!

Well we had a couple of days to restock, repair and relax (you know the 3 Rs). We will be on our own resources for the next few days. So we generate our own electricity and conserve what water we carry with us. No more long showers or leaving the lights on. It's good to get back to the basics.  We depart this morning hoping to reach FT. Nelson. It may be a stretch with a distance of 360 miles with a stop over in Dawson Creek for a picture taking session with the 0 mile marker and a quick tour of the town. When we leave Grande Prairie there won't be another decent size city until we get to Skagway a 1002 miles away. Most of the repairs have been made. We'll now see how they hold up. We may not be able to blog much the next couple of days due to the lack of services. They say that there are some beautiful sites ahead. We will be taking lots of pictures to share with you. We take so many pictures its difficult to keep up with them. Thank goodness for digital!
We depart about 8 this morning. A quick stop at the Costco for gas. It's the least expensive 1.24.9 per litre.  There are not many towns or services for the next day or so. The weather is starting to clear this morning. It has been raining most of the time while in Grande Prairie.We have been monitoring the weather in Fairbanks and the temperature is about 72. We would like a little of that down here, please. Got caught up on all the national news BS and glad to know that we won't have access to that for a long while. Just think how productive the world could be without 24 hour news. We have had fun reviewing all the pictures of the places we have been to. There are many folks headed to Alaska this summer. Don't know why but speculation is the economy is settling down and folks feel that they can afford to venture out. The dollar is about par with Canadian dollar. Most people trade even. There are some that take advantage of the US currency.

Life is an adventure, enjoy the trip!  I have heard it said that" It's not the destination, it's the journey getting there that is important". This is a journey. You have lots of time to think about life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. You search your sole for answers to the questions of the universe, the decisions you've made and the destination you have arrived at. In some ways its cleansing and in others it's daunting. But it is what it is. Each day is a treasure. You may not know at the time, but when you reflect back on that moment you see how precious it was. So collect all the treasure you can and share with those that count the most to you.  That's what we hope to accomplish with this blog.

Painted bison at the Lewis and Clark Interpretive Center in Great Falls.

1 comment:

  1. Ahh! I miss you guys, but I LOVE the blog! It's nice to know you're having so much fun and enjoying so much of this beautiful planet. Have fun!!! Can't wait for you to get back and tell us all about it. LOVE YOU. xoxo
