Sunday, June 2, 2013

Getting from Dallas to Great Falls, MT

It's been a fast trip!!  We left Dallas mid-afternoon on Memorial Day, 5-27-13, and here we are in Great Falls, MT 6 days later!

We did 1474 miles in 2 1/2 days, sleeping in a Walmart parking lot in Dumas, TX, stopping in Rawlins, WY, and ended up at Yellowstone National Park Thursday night!

 We departed a little earlier than expected due to the storms that were approaching Amarillo. We did pass threw a wall of thunderstorms just outside of Childress. The good Lord guided us with each turn in the road we seemed to be headed for clear skies.

We decided to take highway 287 all the way to Denver. Sharon took over driving the coach. Her first time behind the wheel. She did really well and enjoyed driving. We were cruising up the highway when we saw a flume of heavy black smoke shadowing the deep blue Colorado sky. We had just past through the town of Campo when we spotted the incident. A train had slammed into a tractor trailer on the railroad crossing. Unfortunately this completely closed the road both north and south bound traffic. Fortunately there was a dirt road.

We were scheduled to have dinner with Sharon's brother in Denver Tuesday evening but decided to reschedule due to the fact that we were making such good time.So we continued on to Cheyenne WY. We arrived in Cheyenne with plenty of sunshine left in the sky so we gassed up and headed for Rollins WY. We started a steady climb up to 8000 ft elevation. The coach did ok. It toot a little while to get used to the slower pace that we have grown accustomed to with the big diesels. But we are quite content with this cozy coach. We passed a Lincoln Monument on interstate 25 but did not know what it represented until later when we found out that it commemorated the completion of the continental highway across the US in 1913. We arrived in Rollins WY around 7:30 that evening. We settled in at the KOA and were ready to get out for a walk around the park. When you drive 1024 miles NW you arrive in Rollins WY.


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