Saturday, June 8, 2013

5-31-13 Visiting Connie in Boulder and Helena MT

May 31, 2013
We headed northwest out of Yellowstone toward Boulder, MT.  Went through the mountain river area of Hebgen Lake, the earthquake lake area.  An earthquake in 1959 and subsequent land slide had completely changed the area, damming up the Madison River and creating a lake.

Heading on toward Boulder, we came across some big horned sheep and we don’t know who scared each other worse!  They were resting right beside the road as we came around the curve!  We also saw a red-tailed hawk.

This was Sharon’s exciting day!  Getting to see her college roommate and maid of honor, Connie King Grenz, from 40 years ago!  We had seen her back in 2003, but not since.  Bob let us have some “girl time” to visit while he washed the motorhome and the car.  Rains had really made a mess, and if you know Bob, you know a dirty car doesn’t last long.  He got settled in at the campground in Helena.

Connie and I had a wonderful visit.  She toured me around the her valley and 1880's home with chickens, greenhouse and a wonderful garden with fruit trees, rhubarb, strawberries and lots of other root vegetables planted for the summer .   Boulder had been the joining point to the railroad for the spur to the goldmines, but when the gold ran out, only Boulder was left.  We also went to the Boulder hot springs spa.  Water in the hot springs was 106 degrees!!  And the cooling off pool was about 60!!!  I did fine in the springs but only got up to my knees in the cooling pool!!!  She was up to her neck and counting very slowly!  Later, we met Bob at the Montana City Bar and Grill for supper.  Bob had ribs with huckleberry BBQ sauce and Sharon had elk.  Pretty tough, so the leftovers I brought home will probably end up in a stew.  

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