Tuesday, August 6, 2013

8-4-2013 Pratt Museum, fishing and Pizza

The girls went to the Pratt Museum and the boys went for some fishing along the shore.

The gals found the Pratt museum one of the best in the area.  They spent several hours wondering throughout the museum, participating in the interactive displays and watching several videos about homesteading life and bears.  We learn new tidbits every time we visit one of the museums.  It was really most interesting.

Homesteaders log cabin.

Made me think bout my ceramic making friends at Cedar Creek.  Hi Judy, Annie & Betty!

On the other hand, the guys went to the local bait shop to gather info on how and what to catch along the shoreline.  After picking up some rigging and a couple of Blue Fox #5 lures along with some frozen herring they headed out to test their skills.  They started at a place call the fishing hole.  The best time is 2 hours before low tide and 2 hours after high tide.  They caught a few there and decided to go down off the point at a place called Lands End.  There they caught a few dozen Black Cod.  “It seemed that nearly every time we cast our lure into the water we caught a fish!”  They did not keep any of the catch but had a great time.


That evening we ordered a pizza from a local restaurant named the Fat Olives.  That’s a 28 inch pizza by the way.  This thing was huge!  It had a very thin crust and was delicious. 

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