Tuesday, August 27, 2013

8-26 and 8-27-2013 Landing in Seattle WA, USA

 Took us two tries, but we found an unsuitable RV park Sunday night.  Then Monday morning, we actually went to 2 other parks before we found the third and final for our Seattle stay.   We spent Monday afternoon doing laundry and washing the motorhome. 

On Tuesday we've been working on the blog, Sharon got a haircut, did some grocery shopping and we had our first “fast-food” in 12 weeks, Five Guys Burgers. 

We’ve been on such a information, sensory high for so long, it’s time to reflect and rejuvenate.  Scott and Amber arrive in Seattle tomorrow night and we’ll be sightseeing with them Thursday, so we’re taking a couple days just to chill.

We still have wildlife in our campsites, just not quite as wild.

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