Tuesday, August 27, 2013

8-24-2013 Prince George to Boston Bar, BC

We departed the Prince George area headed to our next stop at a place called Boston Bar, being a sand bar in the Fraser River. We continued traveling through the farm lands of southwestern BC. The latter part of the trip would be traveling the Fraser River Canyon. The weather was splendid but the winds were not in our favor.  I would estimate that they were at least 30 mph through the canyon. When you have to accelerate going downhill you know that’s not good.

There were not too many turnouts for us to really appreciate the beauty that we were traveling through. We were dead into the sun and that made the light for taking pictures difficult.  I nearly had to put a safety rope on Sharon to keep her from going over the edge. She was jumping from the front seat to the couch and the table, sliding the windows open to take pictures on either side of the motorhome.

We arrived at our RV site about 6pm and got settled in for our final evening together.  It is a bitter sweet occasion for all of us.  Having spent nearly 90 days with the same dinner partners we know that the adventures through some of the most beautiful territory that one could image would soon be behind us.
We had brought a bottle of champagne to celebrate what we had accomplished and toast our successful journey.  Sharon had written down some of the many things we had seen and experienced along the way, so as we reflected back on the adventures we laughed and were filled with many emotions that we had encountered along the way. 

We decided to eat out that evening (at a German restaurant of all places) and take a break from the evening routine that we had developed over the past 12 weeks.

The Canyon Alpine RV park that the gals had picked was one of the most beautiful sites we had stayed at during the whole trip.  It was situated on a hillside nestled amidst huge pine trees. We could not get a perspective on how large they were until you actually saw a person next to one of them.  It was a fitting place for our farewell dinner.

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