Saturday, August 24, 2013

8-23-2013 A down day in Prince George, BC

After the hard driving yesterday, it was good to have a down day.  Washed the cars, worked on the blog, got in 9 holes of golf and Sharon and Joy saw the town.  They had talked to a couple of ladies from here when we were at Takhini Hot Springs.  The ladies talked so warmly about their town and how they loved it. 

We went to the visitor center and talked to a really nice young man.  He gave us some tips and we headed out.  We decided not to do any museums but to just get to know and enjoy the town.  It was very easy to get around, with the residential areas blended in with the “city centre.”

Can you see him??
We visited a couple of parks and walked along the Fraser River looking for salmon.  We didn't see any salmon but did see a bald eagle flying around.  Joy had wanted to stop at Tim Horton’s for a donut and coffee.  Their Boston crème was very good.

Back at the Bee Lazee campground, we had salmon and rhubarb for dinner.  Are you seeing a pattern here?

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