Friday, August 16, 2013

8-15-2013 Tok to the Top of the World Highway

8-15-2013 Tok to Top of the World

We had planned to travel the Top Of The World Road but with the motorhome problems that had occurred, we decided to take the most traveled highways. The Top Of The World Highway is a 170 mile dirt/gravel road.
After doing some general maintenance and Don getting his trailer hitch welded back on his motor home (I did mention earlier we had a few issues didn't I) we decided to drive the car to the town of Chicken and the Top Of The World Highway.

In retrospect that ended up being the best decision. Although we could  have made the drive with our RVs, it would have been quite hair raising. Once you depart the town of Chicken you are traveling on narrow winding dirt roads with 1000 foot drop offs without guardrails.

We made the trip, saw Chicken ( a very small town with a rich history) drove the road, crossed the border into Canada, back into the US, saw a moose and made it safely home. There are not enough words to really explain what we had just experienced.  When the miners wanted to name the town, they had wanted to name it after the State bird, the ptarmigan, but because they couldn't spell it, they settled for Chicken.  Sharon and Joy read the book Tisha by Anne Hobbs Purdy about her adventures as a school teacher in Chicken during the mining boom days.  She feel in love with an Athabaskan man but prejudice back then kept them apart for 10 years.  

We are headed south for the "outside" from here. We will most likely be off the grid for a couple days, so we will be in touch when we can.

Life is like a bowl of jelly beans you never know what color or flavor you are going to get. So be surprised and enjoy.

the Roadhouse in Boundry, AK

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