Monday, July 8, 2013

7-7-2013 A Day of Rest in Healy

A day of rest. After we finally got back to the RV about 10:30 pm from our bus trip into the Park, and with the sun high in the sky, we settled in for the evening. It was good to get horizontal for a while. We slept in. It was about 10 am when we finally got up. It was a little overcast so we decided to spend the day doing the laundry ($4.50 per load and $3.00 for drying) and cleaning up the motorhome. Sharon cooked one of our favorite meals-- hamburger biscuit pie. We had the opportunity to use the oven in the motorhome for the first time. It worked perfectly. So now we will plan a few more meals utilizing the oven.
We took the meal over to Don & Joy’s and had fun recalling events that have taken place. When we arrived back to the motorhome (all of 30 ft) we decided we needed to spend some time on the blog. So it was after 11 pm when we finally got to bed.  We didn't quite finish the blog so we will put the final touches to it in the morning.

We have so many magnificent pictures that it’s very difficult to choose which ones to use.  We have thoroughly enjoyed sharing our travels and keeping you in the loop.  We normally spent about 2 hours a day on developing the blog. Sometimes we will sleep on it and add more in the morning.   Once we have completed the verbiage, we review all of the pictures to select the ones that will best fit the blog.  It's then that we'll think, "oh, we forgot about this, have to write something about it, too."  We are looking forward to seeing Elizabeth and family the end of this week. The time is passing quickly. There are days that seem very long, but days turn into weeks and now we are at 7 weeks into an 18-week journey. We are looking forward to moving on south toward Anchorage and beyond. There are many more experiences that await us.
Here is a collage of pictures that we have taken over the last six weeks. Enjoy the recap of pictures!!!!! 

Barrow at the top of the world AK.
Our hike in Banff, Alberta

Johnston Canyon, near Banff, AB 

Peyto Lake at Bow Summit, along the Icefields Parkway,AB

Wasp trap.

Heritage Park Historical Village, Calgary, AB

Grand Geyser, Yellowstone Natl Park, MT

Lighthouse in  the Chilkoot Inlet, S of Skagway, N of Juneau, AK
Munson Lake, between Banff & Jasper AB

Denali Natl Park, Mt. McKinley,AK

The whale, Barrow, AK

Timber Point Campground, Teslin, YT

In Carcross, BC

Carcross, BC

Emerald Lake also known as Rainbow Lake, north of Skagway, AK

Muncho Lake, S of Liard Springs, BC

Chena Hot Springs, Fairbanks, AK

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