Sunday, July 14, 2013

7-12-2013 They’re Here!

Elizabeth, Emorie and Jonathan arrived from Anchorage on Friday afternoon.  They encountered a few challenges along the way but overcame them with patience and determination. When they arrived at the DFW Airport their plane was delayed several hours, so their arrival into Anchorage was at 11:45 pm instead of 7:15 pm.  It made for a long day. This was Emorie’s first flight on a plane.  She did really well.

 Elizabeth and Jonathan were very tired after the journey to Anchorage and weren’t looking forward to getting up before 6 am to catch the train to Denali, which was a 7-hour journey. A little apprehensive about the train trip at first, they were very excited when they arrived at Denali Park train station.  They had seen several wild animals along the way as well as having a very clear view of Mt McKinley.  They are in the 30% club of those who actually see the mountain.  They rode up on the train with Sarah Jacobs and her boy friend, Jason Collier.  Sarah is Don and Joy Jacob’s daughter.  They are the couple from St. Louis with whom we are traveling.  It was very nice to have someone they knew on the train and share the experience. 

After brushing all the travel dust off, we all settled down for a good home-cooked meal. Nana and Grandpa were very excited to have the kids finally here. There is always a lot of planning and apprehension to make a trip like this come together. So we were very glad that it all worked out.

Emorie is staying with Nana and Grandpa in the RV and the kids have a nice motel room just up the road. The RV is a little cramped for the 5 of us.  This works out very well for all.   The kids get to relax and enjoy their time together and the grandparents get all the grandchild time they want and need.

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