Saturday, July 13, 2013

7-11-2013 On the South Side


The weather finally cleared up so we took a little side trip back to the Denali State Park. We wanted to see the south side of Mount McKinley. We did have some cloud cover that obscured complete unrestricted viewing, but we did get to see the peak on several occasions.

 Our friends Don and Joy had left before us; kind of like scouting things out before we left. We still had some business to take care of before we could depart. They gave us the clear signal that the mountain was visible. With much anticipation we headed south.

 When we arrived at the south side viewing areas there it was and so were some neat folks from North Dakota. We had met Nancy and Laurance in the RV site when we were in Fairbanks. We all departed there the same day and scattered like a 12 gauge shot gun. They have been running around the state viewing all of the sites that we will see later on. We were so surprised to see them! After taking pictures we headed down the road to Mary’s McKinley Viewing Lodge, to have a couple of cold Alaskan beers, great fellowship and a continuous panoramic view of Mt McKinley.  

 We sat there for quite some time viewing the mountain and having fun. Later on Don and Joy joined us.They had traveled farther south for some groceries. They only traveled 125 miles for the groceries, that is 250 round trip. There are not many groceries stores that provide fresh vegetables at reasonable prices. They had much better viewing of the mountain from farther south.

 It turned out to be a fun day and all of us really enjoyed it. We headed back to Healy were we are staying and Nancy and Laurance headed back to Palmer which is just north of Anchorage. We certainly hope our paths meet again. When you travel in RV's you get to meet real people that enjoy life,appreciate the natural beauty's that God has provided and are always looking for the next adventure.

Nancy and Laurance have a safe journey wherever your travels take you!!!!!

Nancy and Laurance with Mt McKinley in background

Mt McKinley has many different faces

Mount McKinley creates it own atmosphere
There are many mountains surrounding Mt McKinley

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