Monday, July 22, 2013

7-15-2013 Headed south from Denali to Talkeetna.

We departed right on time, wheels up at nine sharp.  Elizabeth was even 15 minutes early.  She got the star for the day!  The weather was somewhat cloudy and the ride down the road to Talkeetna was uneventful but the vista was beautiful.

We arrived about noon, got established at the RV park , had a little lunch and headed into Talkeetna to see what it has to offer this curious group of travelers.  Talkeetna is a small village that is quaint and picturesque.  Many of the building in fact, nearly all of them are the original structures that have been restored to their natural setting.  It is somewhat artsy and many of the building are eating establishments.  We enjoyed our first view of the town and looked forward to a deeper investigation the next day.  We picked up several brochures on things the kids wanted to consider doing while here.  Many choices float planes rides, zip lining, jet boats up the river and fishing to name a few.

We found a beautiful cabin for the kids to stay in nearby the RV park, Gigglewood Lakeside Inn.  It is situated on a small lake and is privately owned.  Sort of like a bed and breakfast.  The difference is that you fix your own breakfast from provided items.  It is part of the owner’s house that they have converted into private quarters.  It is owned by the Larry and Linda Cline.  What a special place!!

Sharon and I did some sightseeing on our own to give the kids some family time.  

We headed up the road toward Petersville.  This is where the miners would come to resupply.  It’s off the beaten path into the back country, the first 12 miles are paved and the last 6 were not, but drivable.  We gave the Equinox a run for its money.  This is where locals come to ride their snowmobiles and 4 wheelers.  It is heaven to those who ride, many many trails and wide open spaces.  We did not see any animals but did see some awesome scenery.

When we got back to the RV, Sharon fixed some good old chicken and dumplings for the kids. They were thrilled.   By the time we returned, Elizabeth had put Emorie down for the evening. Emorie sleeps through the night and is one happy camper when she wakes up. What a treasure.

Now that the flight arrangements have been changed for a later departure (Sunday instead of Friday) we will be making some alterations to our schedule so the kids can see some glaciers and wild life down south. We will be heading further south toward Whittier and Prince William Sound. It will be a fun adventure.

Not where the kids are staying, but a cute cabin where they signed up for the float plane.

Remember the book Sharon was reading by Mary Carey about her adventures in Alaska?  This is the Morrison-Sheldon Talkeetna Guide Service about which she talked so much.  A little weathered now.

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