Thursday, July 4, 2013

Happy Fourth of July!!!!!!!

Today is the 4 Th of July. We must appreciate the freedom we have living in the USA. Although there seems to be many times that our freedom is slowly being chiseled away. To much government control and wasted efforts. It has been said that the reason the government becomes involved in our affairs is due to the fact that many companies become greedy and look the other way and fail regulate themselves. They focus on the profits and not the preservation of our natural resources and the well being of the people.

I've heard it said that this country is run by a controlled minority and a confused majority. The older I become the more I truly believe that. We normally do not paid much attention to what is going on until it cut deep into our pocket or restricts our freedom to choose whats best for us.

As we continue our journey across Alaska we are thankful that we have the freedom to do that. The people that live up here love the freedom and independence. You could wander off into the country side and not see another person for many days, months or years for that matter.

Enjoy your holiday!!!   Hopefully you can open the video's
Mendenhal Glacier Juneau
Outside of skagway

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