Wednesday, July 24, 2013

7-23-2013 Exploring Seward

We spent the day exploring Seward to see what it has to offer.  Although it is mainly a fishing community we will not be fishing here.  That will come mostly when we arrive in Soldotna and Homer.  

We visited a place called Lowell Point.  It is about 2.5 miles south of town.  It is a state park where the local folks go to swim and catch some rays (sunbath).  There were little kids in their do-nothings frolicking along the beach.  It took me back to when our children ran along the shores of Corpus Christi Bay in their birthday suits.  Oh what fun we had (got pictures to prove it Elizabeth and Scott).   Oh how the years whiz by.

We walked the sandy rock beach and enjoyed the views.  We did have a little problem with these little black flies.  Them suckers had teeth!   Some Off insect spray took care of most of them but not all.

We had taken a picnic lunch along so we decided to sit along Resurrection Bay and enjoy the fine weather. 

We booked an evening dinner cruise in Resurrection Bay, evening being 6 to 10 pm. Great dinner of prime rib and salmon.  We arrived back at the port about 10:30 pm and the sun was in full regalia.  It is getting somewhat dark after midnight until about 5:30 am. So maybe we will be back to “our normal” before we leave Alaska.

All the pictures below are really from this cruise!

Bear glacier

Bald eagle

Mountain goats -  look really close

Sea lions


Sea otter with a salmon in his paws

Fishing troller heading out

Don watching the awesome scenery

Hope this can be expanded.  Panoramic of Resurrection Bay

Tomorrow we will continue exploring the area with a hike up to Exit Glacier and afternoon at the Sea Life nature center in town.

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