Friday, September 20, 2013

9-5-2013 Back on the road, Wenatchee to Clarkston, WA

After saying our goodbyes to our good friends and gracious hosts, Pam and Dan Johnson and their daughter Christine and granddaughter Kaylynn (who is so precious), we headed out for an unknown destination.  Sharon wore her tee shirt from church for an unknown destination weekend for the youth group, so I knew that where ever we would end up it would be a surprise and I was driving.

 Dan had given us some recommendations on roads that we may want to take to head us in a southerly direction toward Boise, Idaho.  So we headed a little south, a little east, then more south and a little more east and landed in Clarkston, Washington, which is right on the border with Idaho. Actually our traveling partners from our Alaskan trip, Don and Joy, had suggested it to us. They are a few days ahead of us and had really enjoyed the stay here.

Along the way we passed through a town called George. Get it George Washington!  It didn't ring any bells for me at the time but Sharon was all over it.  They also were nice enough to put signs on the fences so we knew what crops we were passing; Timothy hay, Fuji apples, Anjou pears, grain corn, alfalfa, green manure (? that’s what the sign said?) potatoes, wheat, canola seed, sunflowers, soybeans, fresh potatoes, process potatoes, summer fallow, and range land.  They also must have been testing us, because one sign said “peas” but we knew it was corn!!
Peaches and apples being harvested and hauled to market.

Lots and lots of hay.

wind generators in the fields

We will spend a few days here to get caught up on the blog, some banking and some site seeing at Hell’s Canyon

We are mentally exhausted and need some time to catch our breath and a strong northwest wind to fill the sails and push us along.

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