Saturday, September 14, 2013

9-4-2013 Check out day and off to Wenatchee

Scott and Amber will be taking the red eye back to Dallas tonight.  They depart at 11 pm and arrive in Dallas at 5 am.  It will be a long day for them when they get home.  Sharon and I will take them to the Seattle Airport.  The airport is approx 150 miles, one way from Wenatchee.  So we will not arrive back until midnight.  It will be a long trip but we will have a good time reminiscing about the events and experiences we have had during their stay.  We have really enjoyed spending time with them. When you are on an extended trip away from family and friends you kinda put up a defense barrier to filter the emotions.  It helps to keep your focus on the task at hand.  But when you have an opportunity to hug yours kids it all goes away and you become fully engulfed in the spirit of their presence.  It’s an overwhelming experience.  We will miss them as well as all of the rest of our family and friends but know that our adventure will be nearing its completion in a few weeks.

We will have to regroup now that this part of the adventure is complete.  We haven’t really planned much after our stop in Wenatchee. We know that there is still 2200 miles before we arrive back in Dallas. There is so much to see before we get there. We could take another month or so but most likely will be home sooner.  Soon is a relative term, so do not look for us in the next few days.

There is still a lot to see and do.  We may not get back up in this area for awhile so we have got to make the best of it.

More soon!!

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